Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Letz bury the ego

We all crave to live a life that gives a meaning to us and to those that depend on us. Many times we get carried away by the noises of things that surround us. Some are important while many are insignificant to us. Yet we give so much importance to those insignificant things losing the sight of our goals. If only we stay committed to our goals, we can reach them.

Many become victims listening to the noises. I am one such! I developed a small difference with my business partner who happened to be one of my good old college friend. What appeared as a small difference gradually grew to become a mighty monster. Sooner we avoided seeing each other. I could have controlled my own feelings. Instead, I satisfied my own ego by giving him sharp replies whenever he created issues. Whatever that happened; I am equally to be blamed. What could have been the reason for such a split? Circumstances? Fate? People that speak ill about others? God? In my case it is ‘ego’. Strong ego of two persons that killed a beuatiful relationship! Friends, please bury your ego, if you want to stick to your goals otherwise you would lose a beautiful relationship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

es correcto :)