Saturday, November 27, 2004

I am an MGE

I think I am getting addicted to internet a lot. Thanks to google, portals, serach engines, etc. I can get readymade documents to make reports, songs to listen, gals(?) to flirt, etc. I can now proudly call myself as an MGE, Masters in Google Engineering.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Virtual Friends

Thanks to the internet. Creating friends is very easy these days. John can become a friend to mary without seeing her. He can even ask her to marry.No kidding. Do Johns really know that Mary's are actually females? These mary's could be whores looking for potential customers to date or could be old women deprived of socialising with men or could be eunuchs.

Does virtual frienship men healthy friendship? Does it mean that these people are actually devoid of real friendship in the world?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

CCP Technology

Powering the modern world

CCP Technology which powers the needs of college graduates, needs a special mention in my discussion today. The technology is popularized by the software professionals. The technology is a definite blessing to all those who struggle to keep pace with the demands of the changing technology.

Initially CCP technology was programming based. Sooner the technology was extended to fields other than programming. The technology is user friendly. Its success depends upon the intellectual of the individual who is using it.

Engineering graduates invented this technology. Their enginnering drawing classes are extensively used with CCP. Owing to its instant success, the technology became popular among non-engineering graduates also. Even the school students use this technology effectively for their career.

Presently the office space is also changing to benefit maximum from this technology. The competitors use this technology to analyze the strategies of their rivals efficiently. Thanks to CCP technology which promises to fulfill the requirements of the modern world. CCP is abbreviated for Cut-Copy-Paste. When are you shifting to this technology?

Monday, November 15, 2004

Winner's Curse

You would have heard about the Winner's curse.
A girl friend is a perfect illustration to that theory. If you win a beatiful gal and make her ur GF, you think u r the blessed soul by the good god. Liitle you know about the curse you are put forth. You got to spend hell lot of money to keep the relationship ticking. What seemed so adoring is actually a curse in disguise.
It depends on individuals perspective, how they look this issue. If you ask me, I would say it is a choice between money and the gal. I agree to Money cant buy you anything. But if you dont have money you cant buy anything for ur GF. So money is the driving force unless if there is anything called True Love which I see only in movies.

Mocking Bird

Five more minutes. Good God. Just 5 more mins. I will be chatting with her. She said she would come online at 9 pm. Today I will tell her. May be it is time to get personal with her. May be I am acting dumb. Yes I will. Today I will.
What if she says no? She wont. She said she likes me very much. But she knows very little about me and so am I. If she says yes, that will be a good relief to my troubled soul.
MockingBird. There she comes online in messenger. True to her id, her memories taunts me everyday. Today I will tell her. Yes. Today I will!
On the other side of the wired network, MockingBird is busy chatting with men whoom she considers as potential customers.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Morning Sleep

I could hear it. Its ringing. The tunes are changing. Oh I like this tune too. Let me hear it one more time. Gosh I really need some more sleep.
Nothing can please me like a good morning sleep. Yesterday night, I fixed the alarm at 6:30 am. I thought I would get up early and finish off the pending work. But now I begin to sink in to the infinite depths of the sleep. I think this is the best part of anyone's sleep. Do you agree?

Saturday, November 13, 2004


Why do people betray their dear ones? Why can’t they be loyal to their faithful ones? It is very naive to blame it on circumstances or on situations. Are we dolls to be played by a certain stupid kid called "Circumstances"? I am not comfortable with this idea. When betraying a relation, why can’t these people think about their dear ones? Will that not stop them committing the betrayal?

Just for some momentary pleasure, these people spoil a beautiful relation that is binded on mankind by trust and belief. Without trust nothing can work in this world. An employer should have faith in his employees, a husband should believe his wife, a student should believe in his teacher’s skills. If there is no belief, then the relationship would fail.

Is it not criminal to fool someone who has trusted you so much? Let the devil take such people!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Chain Letters

Make a wish and forward this mail to 15 people in 48 hrs to make ur wish come true otherwise ...

I know most of you are annoyed with these sort of chain letters you get in your inbox. Here is a solution to it.

Make a horrible wish. And now you dont need to send any mail to anyone coz if you send any mail, ur wish may come true.

You can also psyche the person who has send u this mail. Tell him that you would wish something really bad for the sender and send it to 200 guys.